1. Name of the Project: " Performance of electronic detonators in limestone mines "
Status: Ongoing
Funding Agency: M/s. Ramco Cements Limited
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. K Ram Chandar
Year: 2024- 2026
Funding Amount: Rs. Rs. 6.50 Lalkhs.
2. Name of the Project: "Definition of Delay Sequencing in The Blast Designs Using Advance Analytical Techniques for Optimization of Blast Fragmentation and Improving Mine Economics in Non-Coal Mines"
Status: Ongoing
Funding Agency: Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India.
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. K Ram Chandar
Year: 2022-2024
Funding Amount: Rs. 16.89 Lakhs.
3. Name of the Project: Determination of optimum safe distance of dump from pit and design guidelines for overall stability in open pit mines in different geo-mining conditions
Status: Ongoing
Funding Agency: SERB, CRG, Govt. of India.
Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Sandi Kumar Reddy
Year: 2024-2026
Funding Amount: Rs. 35.28 Lakhs.
4. Name of the Project: Underground Mine Real Time Air Quality Monitoring and Assessment at Surface Control Room based on LoRa Sensors, IoT and Machine Learning Techniques
Status: Ongoing
Funding Agency: VGST, K-FIST (L1), Govt. of Karnataka.
Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Sandi Kumar Reddy
Year: 2023-2025
Funding Amount: Rs. 15.00 Lakhs.
5. Name of the Project: "Scientific study for pit slope stability studies of Subbarayanahalli Iron Ore Mine &Thimmapangudi Iron Ore Mine"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: KSMCL, Govt. of Karnataka.
Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Sandi Kumar Reddy
Year: 2022-2024
Funding Amount: Rs. 10.00 Lakhs.
6. Name of the Project: "Predictive Assessment of Postural and Biomechanical Analysis of Musculo Skeletal Disorder (MSD) Related Problems of Dump Truck Operators in Indian Open Cast Metal Mines"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: DST-SERB
Principal Investigator(s): Dr. B. M. Kunar & Prof. M Aruna
Year: 2020-2024
Funding Amount: Rs. 18.85 Lakhs.
7. Name of the Project: "Development of a New Type of Aero-Cyclone for the Dry Separation of Minerals"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: Hutti Gold Mines Co., Ltd.
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Harsha Vardhan
Year: 2019-2022
Funding Amount: Rs. 1.96 Lakhs.
8. Name of the Project: "Development of a Comminution Process for Improving the Ball Mill Efficiency and Selective Size Output through Hydro-Squeezing"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: Hutti Gold Mines Co., Ltd.
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Harsha Vardhan
Year: 2019-2022
Funding Amount: Rs. 9.7 Lakhs.
9. Name of the Project: "Application of Nano Membrane Technologies to Purify Mine Waste Water"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: Hutti Gold Mines Co. Ltd.
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Ch. S. N. Murthy and Prof. M. Isloor
Year: 2019-2022.
Funding Amount: Rs. 30 lakhs.
10. Name of the Project: "Investigations into the Reduction of Phosphorous in Iron Ore Using Microwave Technology for its Suitability to the Iron & Steel Industries"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: R. Praveen Chandra, Mine Owner & Entrepreneur (ERM Group), Bangalore
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Harsha Vardhan
Year: 2017-2020.
Funding Amount: Rs. 10.06 Lakhs.
11. Name of the Project: "Development and Characterizations of Advanced Solar Cells"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: Vision Group on Science and Technology, Govt. of Karnataka
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Ch. S. N. Murthy, Prof. M. Aruna, and Dr. Kartik Tarafder
Year: 2017-2020.
Funding Amount: Rs. 30 lakhs.
12. Name of the Project: " Development of Crushing & Grinding Characteristic Curves using Insmart Crushers and Mills for Different Rocks’"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: M/S. Insmart Systems- Hyderabad
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. K. Ram Chandar
Year: 2015-2016
Funding Amount: Rs. 4.31 Lakhs
13. Name of the Project: " Impact of Work Conditions and Personal Attributes on Performance of Coal Miners: An Empirical Investigation "
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: NITK-Surathkal under TEQIP-II
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. K. Ram Chandar
Year: 2016-2017
Funding Amount: Rs. 3.00 Lakhs
14. Name of the Project: "Study for Utilization of Fine Material of Mine Waste"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: Sandur Manganese and iron ores limited, Bellary
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. M Aruna and Prof. Harshavardhan
Year: 2013-2015
Funding Amount: Rs. 14.30 Lakhs
15. Name of the Project: "Modelling on Airborne Dust in Opencast Coal Mines"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. V.R.Sastry Co-Investigator: Prof. K. Ram Chandar and Prof. Ch. S. N. Murthy
Year: 2011-2014
Funding Amount: Rs.77.04 Lakhs
16. Name of the Project: "Assessment of Performance of Explosive/Blast Result Based on Explosive Energy Utilization"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: Coal India Ltd.
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. V. R. Sastry Co-Investigator: Prof. K. Ram Chandar
Year: 2010-2013
Funding Amount Rs.1.24 Crores
17. Name of the Project: "Design and Cost Analysis of Illumination System for Underground Coal Mines"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. M. Aruna
Year: 2009-12
Funding Amount: Rs. 3.6 lakhs
18. Name of the Project: "Development of Bio-diesel and its Application in Mining Machinery working in Surface Mines"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: M/s Madras Cements Ltd.
Principal Investigator(s): Professor Ch. S. N. Murthy
Year: 2006-08
Funding Amount: Rs. 1.46 lakhs
19. Name of the Project: "Evaluation, Design, and Cost Analysis of Illumination System in Surface Mine Projects"
Status: Completed
Funding Agency: Ministry of Human Resources and Development, Govt. of India
Principal Investigator(s): Professor Ch. S. N. Murthy
Year: 2005-08
Funding Amount: Rs. 6.65 lakhs